Saturday, July 21, 2007

TGIF, Yay!

A few people from work gathered together last night after work. I normally host Jounal Pub with my home brew but after that a few of us stayed together and went downtown to enjoy sake and sushi. I thought that was going to be it, but we actually continued on to Brickskeller's for specialty beers. It was quite a night. I don't think I got home until quite late. Thankfully I got a lift and didn't have to play bus roulette.

Brickskeller's is a great place. They have a beer list that reads like a book of fine print. They have a huge selection of beers, ciders and meads from around the world. It is a good place to try out a style as chances are they have several variations on that style. I tried a Cherry Lambic. It was okay, a little pricey, but I didn't realize how much past illness would affect my taste buds. It reminded me a little of cough syrup at first. The sourness of the Lambic style helped prevent a full blown cough syrup memory from emerging but that first swallow was interesting. I moved onto a Woodchuck Cider from England. Quite good, a little dry but very tasty.

This week has passed very slowly. I don't remember anything standing out this week. I go to work, I putz around then I go home and watch Stargate. I have a small pile of baby caps to show that I have done something. At least I have some kayaking to do this weekend and I think I will try to catch the Bruce Willis movie.

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