Thursday, April 06, 2006

Meeting old friends

So there I was, trying to mind my own business this morning on a very crowded red line when someone comes over and calls my name. It took me a minute to place the face and she was just about to prompt with her name when I recognized her. So we took the next few stops to try to catch up. It was really quite nice. I had forgotten how many people I know in the area. I think I have more friends here in the short time I lived here than I do in Montreal. I would like to start getting out with people more often and reconnect. I think that will have to wait until after I move and settle in a bit. I feel like I am in limbo a little. I can't wait to get my stuff down here and start painting again. I will have my cats, or at least one of them, here with me too. Just a few more weeks.


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