Sunday, August 14, 2005

Manchester Center 14Aug05 Day 59

The 2.5 mile hike down off Bromley went very fast. The terrain was very nice and the first section was on a green circle ski hill. Steiner was waiting in the parking area. She night hiked to catch up to us only to find us asleep at 7:00 on top of Bromley. We thought she was behind us so we slept in. We got into town and went to the outfitter. I picked up a lecan sporf and got rid of the heavy metal one I was carrying. I also picked up two lightweight tent pegs in case I ever have to bivy with my hammock. I promised Steiner I would show her how to do it so I will set it up at least once. The tyvek sheet will come in handy for this. I did forget to get fuel so I will have to remember to do it when I go to the post tomorrow.

We got lucky and managed to find some people who where willing to put us up for the night. It ended up being 6 of us total as Bouie, Rooster and HeeHaw also were in town today. We also, finally, met the SoboHobos. I have been seeing their entries in the registers so it was fun to finally meet them. They are a lot of fun and very funny. I hope we catch up to them again and stay with them for a while.

The blister on my heel is very big but doesn't hurt at all. The one between my toes hurts but only when I curl my toes. My feet are doing well otherwise dispite the breaking in of my footwear.



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