Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Day 49: Brassie Brook Shelter

8.8 mi

The climb out of the shelter was not fun but had to be done. We had about 4 mi to get to Salisbury for a light resupply and internet use. On the way to town we passed a lone rock pillar that people have walked around as the ground was clear. Turns out it was the Giant's Thumb. Strange what things the trail passes. We pushed into town going straight to the library. We are looking at options for getting off. We might be able to rent a car in Great Barrington. So that is our stopping point. Hopefully my knee only needs rest.

ST has been nice but strange. Almost none of the shelter sites have picnic tables. The tenting sites seem to have them all. The towns have been quaint but very pricey. The terrain has been getting rougher but we only just summited Lion's Head at 1738 ft. Pretty short mountain. The shelters and campsites have been reasonably spaced out until today where we passed two shelters and a camping area in the space of less than 2 mi. With another site in 2.2 mi. Tomorrow we enter MA!



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