Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 8: Quarry Gap Shelters

5.7 mi

One week since we started hiking. I am still achy plus I am still sick. We ended up doing a low mile day due more to my cold but the rain was no help either. It started off overcast, then turned to light rain. It has been raining more or less all day. We got an early start and rolled into the shelter around 10:30 but I wasn't really in any condition to move on. I ended up getting more sleep. If not for the damp cold humidity, I'd say I was feeling better. Rather, I feel cold and wet. The cough seems to be on the decline though.

We over planned our resupply but not sure we have enough to make it to Boiling Springs. I'm not sure either of us could have carried more food though. We will just have to plan more carefully. We are definitely not moving very fast due to my cold. I think we would have been moving slow with sore feet but at least we would be able to move forward rather than when the cold stops us.



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