Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 11: Darlington Shelter

19 mi

Today was a very long day. we really should have stopped in Boiling Springs but at the time we felt fine so we pressed on. 14 mi of flat farm land. How hard could it be? Well it was quite hot and humid plus we were already tired from yesterday's 20 mi. So needless to say, we pulled into the shelter quite tired, with fresh blisters, and after a long day. But we did pass our 100 mi mark today, 2 mi out of Boiling Springs.

My feet are a mess in spite of my knees doing so well. It seems like this trip will be all about trying to find the right footwear rather then saving my knees. I hope we can sort it out. I may just have to go back to my Keen sandals.

WE didn't make it to the shelter in time to beat the thunderstorm. We were about 2 mi away when the dark clouds opened up and soaked us. We hurried on to the shelter soaked and miserable from the long day.



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