Saturday, February 10, 2007

Cat Empire

After bottling all the beer, and cleaning up a really big sticky mess, I went out with my bottler and we say Cat Empire playing at a local venue. I had never heard them play, nor had I even heard of them, but the description of their style sounded interesting. So after cleaning up we went out and enjoyed some really good, and really loud music. I did remember to bring ear plugs this time and I was glad I did. Not only did it keep my ears form ringing after the show, but by fintering out a lot of the crowd, I found the music seemed to improve with filtering. We went out for food after and I think my waist line is expanding from all the good food I ate this weekend. I knew I shouldn't have baked fresh cookies Thursday night. At least I had a great time. I am supposed to be going on a hike today but it is 2:00 in the morning and I have to be up and ready to go by 8:15. I am thinking this is not going to happen. Well I am off to bed.



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