Monday, July 03, 2006

Semi-relaxing weekend hike

This was a mostly resalxing weekend to go off and hike in the White Mountains. I ended up hiking in the same area as last time for sveral reasons. The first reason is that it is an easy hike and therefore easy on the knees. Secondly, the parking area, while it does got a little crowded is free. Thirdly, I know the area and it is a nice area. I guess I just was not in an exploring frame of mind this weekend. Rain was predicted and I didn't want to have to wander around in the rain trying to find a good camping site. I did get rained on a little and later that night, the rain really came down and gave the tent a good testing. So I managed to give four pieces of gear a good rain testing. I did end up sharing the camping site with another hiker who was slightly annoying. Mostly I wanted to veg out and relax, alone. He also claims to sense spirits which isn't anything I am interested in or interested in hearing about. I was glad to see him off on the last morning. I do sort of regret not having made it to Zealand Hut which had been my plan. But it will always be there, and bluberry season is soon so I can visit then. I did visit with the caretaker at Ethan Pond. She was nice to chat with and I will have to stop in and say hi next time I am in the area. I did find out that Dingle, the caretaker at Kinsman Pond last year is at Imp this year. I would like to drop in and say hi to him too. On my way out this trip, I bumped into a nobo, Slow Leak, so I gave him a lift down the road a few oatmeal cookies I had on me. It felt good to give back some of the kindness that was shown to me while I was hiking the trail.


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