Thursday, September 15, 2005

Windor Furnace Shelter 15Sep05 Day 91

Today the trail was much nicer than yesterday. There were fewer rough spots but they were not for long stretches. After that, a few spots also resembled NJ, some sharp rocks but enough dirt to avoid them. I started making good time again. But I also mashed my foot at one point so that slowed me down. There is still a water problem but it seems that most shelters have water, it is just the time between shelters that is dry. The weather has also been hot and after yesterday's rain, it was very humid and my glasses fogged up for most of the morning. Tomorrow is just 15 miles with an optional town stop. There is no resupply in town, only a really good hamburger. I don't need to go in but I am undecided as everyone else is going in, either for the burger or for mail and a burger. I should stop spending so much money in towns so I should just skip this one.

I finished reading "The Brethren" by John Grisham. It was good in the beginning, then was drawn out in the middle to a mediocre ending. All in all, good trail distraction. I am now moving on the a book I bought in Delaware Water Gap.



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