Thursday, August 18, 2005

Congdon Shelter 18Aug05 Day 63

Woke up this morning in a small covered bridge replica in a park. It was great. There was a duck in the pond and deer out in the field. We walked over to the diner for breakfast then hit the post office. My other bounce box was not in yet so I had nothing. We then split up and explored town. Bennington has yellow bikes for people to use to get around town. Steiner and I borrowed two and explored around while Bouie and HeeHAw hit the music shops. Rooster took a nap. I stopped into a pottery shop and we oogled the wares. They had some really nice things. I bought a little something and had it shipped to a friend. I probably shouldn't have but I couldn't resist. It was in the seconds bin so it was cheaper. Bouie is trying to find a violin or mandolin for the trail. A new mandolin is 150$ but he is sure he can find one cheaper. I think we may need to start a fund for him.

Today was a rather lazy day. We did the 4.2 miles in to the shelter. The trail crew was there cleaning up and had just built a new fire pit. So we decided to stay and christen the fire pit. We then had a rousing game of hearts. I lost miserably after trying three times to shoot the moon. Mostly I was forced into it after acquiring the queen. Whatever. It was a lot of fun and justified carrying the cards.



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