Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Write in's

I have been pretty good the last few times and actually made it to the last three write in's. While I was more productive at the first and last one, at least I have been making a consistent effort to get back into the writing swing of things. The first of the write in's say me revising the personal conflict scenes of my two major characters. I felt this was needed as there was no really reason why they suddenly decided to change. So I had to delve further into their character and the things that were going on around them to make them see what had to change and give them a reason to change. I feel the story works better now because of that. The last write in saw me starting to work on a new project. I really wanted to start on something and tried to start work on something I had been playing with previously but for some reason the story wasn't coming together in my head so I didn't get anything done the last session. This session, I picked up another pre-existing idea and for some reason I was able to go somewhere with it and have been getting good ideas of where to take the story. I have been continuing to work on that story idea trying to flesh out characters and the major story points. Hopefully I can keep the ideas flowing and get more words out onto the page. I think for simplicity, it will take place in the same world as the last story so I don't really have to redefine the rules of the world. I will likely have it taking place in a different location but same world.



Blogger LeesaJ said...

HI Kathryn,

Showing my class your blog.


10:50 AM  

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