Friday, October 27, 2006

More unpacking

I was in to work today and I continued with the unpacking. I think starting next week I will have to start getting into paperwork stuff to try to get the lab up and running so we can actually work. At this point, a vast majority of the stuff is either unpacked or at least classified into what is in the box and where the box should be.

There was a party today hosted by the health and safety department. It would have been a lot of fun except for the rain and the music that was too loud to talk over. Most people ended up in the room to escape the rain but one of the speakers was pointed directly into the room. The barbeque smelled good but I already had supper plans so I just nibbled a little. Also, so many people were in line waiting for things to be cooked that it wasn't really worth it. In the end, I had an undercooked chicken kabob, carrot cake that also seemed undercooked and beans that were just a little on the hard and soupy side. I still had a good time and met some people I would be seeing around the building.


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