Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Writing group

I have finally started going back to the Wednesday night writing group. I am not consistent yet, but at least I am starting to go and I have been trying to get back into writing again. I don't think I will participate fulling in NanoWriMo this year as it is too hard on my wrists and brain. I also find that when I finish November and Nano, I am too trashed to even think about writing again for many months. I need to be more consistent rather then writing in large bursts. I also want to work more on properly planning out a story line with background and character development. I have been thinking about taking some writing classes but I am not sure what would be more appropriate. I want to do creative writing but I have actually been making money on journalistic style writing, or knowledge based writing. So I could take a creative writing course and try to bring up the other side. Or I can take a journalist class and try to make more money. I think in the end, I might not do much this year and see what the new year brings. This will give me some time to work more on the creative writing side of things. In the end, I have really only made about 20$ from the articles I wrote for Associated Content. Small change but now I am hooked and want to make more. After all, it would be nice to have a white water kayak of my own.



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